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Re: Israel Losing the PR War

Posted by Nilet on Sun Aug 3 13:53:14 2014, in response to Re: Israel Losing the PR War, posted by subfan on Sun Aug 3 00:51:21 2014.

Nice job completely contradicting yourself while acting like you haven't changed your opinion in the slightest.

1. The Mavi Marmara - it has been independently documented and widely reported that Israel misjudged the amount of resistance its soldiers would face - that's why the soldiers did not board with the appropriate riot control-type equipment.

Ah, so Israel launched an unprovoked attack on the boat but misjudged the extent to which its crew would defend themselves against said unprovoked attack. Gotcha.

Israel had said that the organizers were welcome to send the supplies to Gaza, so long as they were offloaded in Israel for inspection and then trucked in. The IHH specifically tried to run the blockade anyway...

A final point on this - Israel's blockade of Gaza has been found to be legal under international law.

OK, so after claiming Israel withdrew from Gaza in 2005, you are now admitting that Israel never ended its occupation and has, in fact, been restricting access and supplies to the Gaza ghetto to keep it impoverished but that this isn't illegal under international law, which bans only the absolute worst offenses. Glad we're on the same page here.

...though there have, of course, been inadvertent civilian deaths.

Inadvertent. Yuh huh.

Israel deliberately targets civilians all the time and everyone knows it. That you would actually spew this propaganda means you're either terminally gullible, completely psychotic, or pro-genocide yourself.

I'd contrast this with Hamas, which proudly proclaims its intent to kill Jews because they are Jews...

Actually, comparing Israel and Hamas is a good idea.

Hamas intends to kill Jews because they are Jews. It proudly proclaims this intent but rarely does it because they're powerless little pissants who don't have the firepower.

Israel intends to kill Palestinians because they are Palestinians. It does so with great frequency, and then claims it totally didn't mean to despite this being a transparent lie.

So basically they're both scum, but Hamas is honest scum, which is refreshing, and powerless scum, which is always nice to see.

...and if the Israeli death toll is not as high as you'd like it to be, well that's just to bad - we won't die to satisfy your warped view of proportionality.

And here comes the ridiculous persecution complex. Why is it that every oppressor feels the need to declare themselves to be the "real" victim? Does it assuage your guilt at murdering Palestinian children?

Finally, with respect to my points being independently verifiable - you, and anyone else reading this, don't need to take my word for anything I've said. Please do feel free to do a little research, and you can make your own judgment.

Um, you may have noticed that I actually did the research, made my judgement, and shared my reasons for it by posting links. You, on the other hand, have simply asserted the truth of your statements repeatedly and then declared that there actually are sources that prove it, you just can't actually find any.

Of course I wish there'd be no fighting there, and not a single additional death on any side.

Oh please. This is just another line of Israeli government propaganda you're spouting.

The point is, though, I actually know enough about the facts and history to understand how we got to this point and who's really at fault, rather than reflexively blaming Israel since "they have an army, and there are so many dead Arab childen".

Right, you know the history so well you didn't even realise Israel was occupying Gaza this past decade until I pointed it out to you.

I eagerly await your explanation for how Israel confined the Palestinians to a ghetto, deliberately kept them impoverished while regularly murdering them with missiles from a comfortable distance, but all of this is apparently their fault because a few are fighting back. After all, we shouldn't discriminate against child-murderers.

Sorry, but as I said before - I won't die quietly just to make you feel better.

OK, now you need to put, like, $50 in the Unnecessary Hyperbole Jar.

Although claiming that you need to kill Palestinians lest they kill you sounds to me like you're advocating genocide so bonus points for honesty, I guess.


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