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Re: Israel Losing the PR War

Posted by subfan on Sun Aug 3 00:51:21 2014, in response to Re: Israel Losing the PR War, posted by Nilet on Sat Aug 2 19:57:13 2014.

You really want to start this up agin? OK, then, here we go...

1. The Mavi Marmara - it has been independently documented and widely reported that Israel misjudged the amount of resistance its soldiers would face - that's why the soldiers did not board with the appropriate riot control-type equipment. The primary weapons carried by the Israelis were paint ball guns, intended to be used against well-meaning but misguided individuals who would put up primarily passive resistance. They were not expecting the hard core that were spoiling for a fight and attacked them with knives and iron bars. At that point, the soldiers responded with deadly force using their handguns - not the weapons you'd expect them to use if they'd boarded planning a massacre, no?

As to the "humanitarian" nature of the voyage - that's a load of hogwash and you either know or should know it. Israel had said that the organizers were welcome to send the supplies to Gaza, so long as they were offloaded in Israel for inspection and then trucked in. The IHH specifically tried to run the blockade anyway to make a point - and in doing so, they knew that they'd be stopped and diverted. For what it's worth, Israel did ultimately send the supplies on the ships into Gaza - but it was found that the supplies were next to useless anyway, as the point had been to be stopped by those inhuman Israelis rather than to deliver supplies. Expired medicines, worn out clothing and the like - not very useful at all.

A final point on this - Israel's blockade of Gaza has been found to be legal under international law.

2. Genocide accusations - my, those do seem to be popular, don't they. It is helpful, though, to understand what genocide actually is and see if that's what's taking place. I have yet to see a case where Israel has set out to kill the maximum number of members of a specific ethnic group with an eye towards wiping such group out, though there have, of course, been inadvertent civilian deaths. I'd contrast this with Hamas, which proudly proclaims its intent to kill Jews because they are Jews, and has done its best to do so when given the chance. Those rockets they're sending to Israel are most certainly not intended as science experiments - and if the Israeli death toll is not as high as you'd like it to be, well that's just to bad - we won't die to satisfy your warped view of proportionality.

Finally, with respect to my points being independently verifiable - you, and anyone else reading this, don't need to take my word for anything I've said. Please do feel free to do a little research, and you can make your own judgment.

Like I said, it's almost fun to show how wrong you are - though of course, you read that as glorying in the death and destruction taking place in Gaza. Of course I wish there'd be no fighting there, and not a single additional death on any side. The point is, though, I actually know enough about the facts and history to understand how we got to this point and who's really at fault, rather than reflexively blaming Israel since "they have an army, and there are so many dead Arab childen". Sorry, but as I said before - I won't die quietly just to make you feel better.



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