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Re: Israel Losing the PR War

Posted by Nilet on Sun Aug 3 18:13:17 2014, in response to Re: Israel Losing the PR War, posted by subfan on Sun Aug 3 17:02:24 2014.

1. The Mavi Marmara - I absolutely acknowledge that Israel intended to board the supposed humanitarian convoy against the wishes of those on board.

OK, good. We agree that Israel is restricting supplies to Gaza in order to keep it impoverished.

Accordingly, when things got out of hand, the only weapons they had were their personal handguns - which were used when their lives were in danger.

It doesn't change the fact that Israel was the aggressor. If a burglar breaks into your house, would you seriously praise him for showing "restraint" by only bringing a knife instead of a gun and blame the homeowner for "making" him use it?

Attributing malice, though, is pure falsehood.

Israel launched a violent assault. Against a civilian ship. For the purpose of denying vital supplies to an oppressed people. Malice is obvious.

2. I never said Israel continues to occupy Gaza - I said they are BLOCKADING Gaza.

Under international law, it's an occupation. Israel controls Gaza's ports and airspace and enforces martial law.

3. "Israel deliberately targets civilians all the time and everyone knows it." That's a load of hooey and anyone with half a brain knows that. If Israel deliberately wanted to kill blah blah blah blah blah

OK, so now you're denying the missile strikes that make the fucking news. That means you're a liar, a retard, or you're simply inventing bullshit excuses to cover for the holocaust you wish would take place.

At this point, I think we need someone to bash your face in so that I can explain to you how it wasn't deliberate because he totally meant to attack the burglar who broke into my house the other day and besides, he made sure to minimise the damage by leaving his brass knuckles at home. After all, if he deliberately wanted to hurt you, he could have just stabbed you with a knife.

4. Comparing Israel and Hamas - Comparing the two is actually quite instructive. One deliberately targets civilians, the other tries to avoid them.

Israel deliberately targets civilians, and only a neo-Nazi like yourself would claim otherwise.

Israel has repeatedly given up the advantage of surprise to warn civilians in areas it plans on attacking in order to avoid taking lives

Right, Israel "warns" them five minutes in advance, knowing full well that they have nowhere to go because Israel is intentionally keeping them confined to a densely populated ghetto.

So yes, you can absolutely compare Israel and Hamas - and it makes it blatantly obvious who values innocent life and who does not.

It's blatantly obvious that neither Hamas nor Israel's current government have any regard for human life at all. Israel is just better equipped to take it.

5. Independently verifiable - You are correct; I don't post links.

That much is obvious. Feel free to blame your phone for the fact that you can't find any links that aren't from a propaganda site.

6. My "persecution complex" - well, I suppose having rockets shot at me and my family on a regular basis by people who repeatedly vow to kill us would have an impact on my world view. This is an academic exercise for you, but it's real life for me.

You've lied about everything else, so why should I believe you now?

The supposed rockets are such a big deal that no one I know who actually lives in Israel has ever bothered to mention them. It seems to me like right wing extremist Israelis pointing to the rockets to justify war is like right wing extremist Americans pointing to 9/11 to justify war— the fact that neither they nor anyone they know was ever anywhere near the attacks or that the attacks are minor on a national scale doesn't deter them from claiming they had all four limbs blown off and crawled to safety with their lips and therefore every member of a particular race needs to be exterminated to "protect" them from the threat they never actually faced.

Meanwhile, Palestinians spend their whole lives in poverty watching their friends and children murdered because people like you declare them an Inferior Race™ that needs to be wiped out.

If you don't like people throwing rocks at you, then maybe you should stop breaking into their houses armed with machine guns.


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