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Re: Israel Losing the PR War

Posted by subfan on Sun Aug 3 19:01:35 2014, in response to Re: Israel Losing the PR War, posted by Nilet on Sun Aug 3 18:13:17 2014.

You apparently have difficulty keeping things civil - and it's well-known that it's a poor argument that relies on profanity to make its point.

As to the Mavi Marmara and Israel's blockade - the blockade began in 2007, two years after Israel pulled COMPLETELY out of Gaza, after Hamas, an organization sworn to Israel's destruction, took power. At the time of the pull-out, Israel did what it could to assure the financial success of Gaza, including leaving fully-functional high-tech hothouses for the Gazans to use in developing an agricultural export market. Even after the Hamas takeover, Israel continued to allow humanitarian supplies in, but did not allow military use or certain dual-use supplies to be transferred - and given the fact that cement, one of the primary dual-use items, has been shown over the course of the past few weeks to have been primarily used to build tunnels with which to attack Israel, such restrictions were fully justified. So, that's one lie of yours exposed.

As to a blockade being the same thing as occupation - that's baloney and you know it. Would you say that when Egypt blockaded the Straits of Tiran in 1967, they were occupying Israel? It can be considered an act of war - which, given that the Arabs of Gaza are trying to kill Israelis is fully justified - but it is not an "occupation" as such.

Re: Israel deliberately targeting civilians - Just because you continue to repeat your mendacious lies does not make them true. Several of the supposed "Israeli" attacks on civilians have turned out to be Hamas rocket misfires; some have been responses to artillery or rocket fire from sources right next to the civilian sites that have been hit; and some have been true accidents - terrible errors that Israel should do its utmost to avoid, but still not deliberate attacks on civilians.

Comparing Hamas and Israel - Hamas's rockets have no purpose other than to kill Israeli civilians. Israel's rockets are aimed at military targets, even if they do periodically (and regrettably) kill civilians as well. And calling me names like a neo-Nazi won't change the facts - they just show how desperate you've become now that each of your "points" have been shown to be blatantly false.

And as far as "no one I know who actually lives in Israel has ever bothered to mention [the rockets]" - perhaps you should broaden your circle of acquaintances in Israel. Perhaps you might want to meet someone from, say, Sderot? I can tell you as well that I live in Israel, and I've lost count of the number of times I've had to drop what I've been doing to go into a shelter/secure room/protected area in response to rockets fired.

You may as well just admit it - your mind is made up that Israel is wrong, and you're not going to let facts get in the way of that belief. You'll attribute any nasty, nefarious intent to Israeli actions to bolster your position, deliberately ignoring the fact that it's built on a foundation of lies.

Now, hopefully you can respond without using profanities. I'm not sure if you can respond without untruths - to date, you've been unable to do so - so I'm not asking for that. A bit of civility, though, may not be beyond your abilities.


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