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Re: Queens Public Transit Committee Rally

Posted by BrooklynBus on Tue May 17 17:43:41 2016, in response to Queens Public Transit Committee Rally, posted by Bill Newkirk on Tue May 17 10:46:51 2016.

They made significant changes but the plan is still very deficient.

It seems like they looked at a map, saw a wide street, and concluded without any data that all those lanes weren't necessary for general traffic and it would be a good idea to add a bus lane and ban 26 left turns (counting each direction separately) in April 2015.

Then when the community disagreed, they first started collecting data and realized banning all those left turns weren't such a good idea. So in December 2015, they decided to restore 8 of them and ban only 18. (Their newest document inaccurately claims that in April 2015 they proposed 18 left turn bans.

Now they go and collect even more data and now decide that only 6 turning movements could be banned without severely harming traffic. So they they have reduced the number of left turn bans from 26 to 6. This proves that they never really analyzed the effects of banning left turns when they were originally proposed.

After all you would gave to be nuts to propose banning left turns at Metropolitan Avenue. Look at all the cars waiting to make a left turn there on the day before Mothers Day: I counted over 40 cars. Those cars would have had to travel between a half mile and a mile extra.


The results of the bus lane installed north of Metropolitan Avenue shows traffic speeds declined by 38 percent from 19.5 mph to 12 mph northbound during the AM peak and bus speeds declined as well. Now they want to make similar "improvements" south of Metropolitan. I guess DOT believes 12 mph is a reasonable speed for auto travel on a major arterial. If they can't improve speeds for cars and buses where they have already installed bus lanes, then they need to scrap the entire plan and not destroy the boulevard any further.


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