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Re: Queens Public Transit Committee Rally

Posted by Terrapin Station on Fri May 20 18:43:56 2016, in response to Re: Queens Public Transit Committee Rally, posted by BrooklynBus on Wed May 18 23:21:51 2016.


When I said 12 mph, I was talking about an average speed, not a top speed.
You didn't say that. And based on the way you said it, you made it sounds much more like top speed or average moving speed. Average speed is hard to understand because it includes the time spent stopped in traffic or at red lights. So you can't just go around asking if 12 mph is an acceptable average speed as there are too many variables to consider. You don't seem to know much about transportation planning.

These are slides 44 and 45 of the presentation shown here: http://www.nyc.gov/html/brt/downloads/pdf/brt-woodhaven-may2016.pdf.
Thanks. LOL! So what? It's just the AM peak, and bus speeds hardly dropped in the AM peak. And in the other peaks, bus speeds increased, which was the goal!

DOT made their proposal to ban left turns without studying any data. They proposed banning 26 left turn movements and now after studying the data reduced it to six which is still too many. Four at most could be banned. The fact that they now will no longer ban left turns at Metropolitan Avenue proves they realized they were in error. Their original proposal called for large trucks to instead make a 270 degree left turn from Cooper to Metropolitan instead. When I pointed out to them, that turn would be nearly impossible for a tractor trailer, they changed their proposal to instead turn barrow residential Trotting Course Lane into a two way. Then after that didn't fly with the community because it was just plain dumb, then they finally agreed to restore the left turn. And that video was not a momentary observation. I took a previous video last year that also showed high volumes of turning cars. How many videos would you need to convince you? We asked DOT for data on turning volumes but they never responded.
Doesn't change what I already said about not being able to take your word for this exact version of events.

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