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Re: Queens Public Transit Committee Rally

Posted by R30A on Fri May 27 09:21:03 2016, in response to Re: Queens Public Transit Committee Rally, posted by BrooklynBus on Fri May 27 09:09:25 2016.

"Wrong. No additional street engineering is proposed for the section where bus lanes have already been implemented under the new plans."
That is not actually true. They are not persuing it as part of this phase. I suspect the delay is because of the nutjob whiners you are leading.

"And if left turns were eliminated, how would the hundreds of cars wanting to make left turns every minute be adequately accommodated?"
By taking a different route.
"The reinstitution of those turns proves, DOT first made the proposal before collecting turning volumes data, and now once they did that, they now see what the communities saw all along, that it just couldn't work."
No. It is them folding under ignorance of anti-transit advocates such as yourself.

"Now they have added a bus lane in their proposal between the LIE and Queens Blvd. when I told them that only two left turn lanes into Queens Blvd is inadequate, the response was well we haven't collected any traffic data yet and the proposal is preliminary."
lol. You keep on claiming they have not collected data. That is false.

"However, it is not preliminary on their website. They are claiming it is their final proposal. There aren't even any more workshops scheduled with the area where the proposal us being made."
Good. it sounds like the DOT is learning!

"And yes the bus lanes are faster in the other time periods by negligible amounts. Point 5 mph. While the decrease in speed during the AM northbound is 38%, Bus travel times have not been and will never be decreased by 35 percent as DOT previosly claimed. In fact they increased also during the AM peak."
They don't need to be decreased by 35 percent overall. Some people's travel times obviously will be. All depends on what trip one is taking.

"And as for the B44, we have had the parallel lines conversation before. What was supposed to have happened was ridership was supposed to have increased."
Who said ridership was supposed to have increased?
"It did not, so there wasn't any improvement in that regard."
In the middle of a huge drop in ridership.

"As far as more people being helped than hurt with more minutes saved under the plan, we still do not know if that was the case, without any reports issued."
Whether you know something is irrelevant. The MTA does. Any sane observer can tell that service has been greatly improved on all SBS lines.

"If the results were positive, there would have been reports." Obviously false considering the lack of reports elsewhere.


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