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Re: Rockaway Line/Super Express/Manhattan SAS

Posted by Kew Gardens Teleport on Wed Mar 12 11:39:42 2008, in response to Re: Rockaway Line/Super Express/Manhattan SAS, posted by Wallyhorse on Wed Mar 12 06:28:11 2008.

That spacing is a bit tight, and they were trying to avoid just that.

The easy stations to place are 86, 96, 106, and 116. They are where the transfers to the crosstown buses are. Given that the second entrance will be about two blocks away, it's then fairly easy to determine which way these stations should run:

116: North (to ~118) -- 114/2 is a bit of a prairie, 118/2 is in a real neighborhood; plus there's no station at 125/2

106: North (to ~108) -- this bridges a bit of prairie between two real neighborhoods and keeps the stop spacing neat

96: Ambiguous (95-97?) -- the neighborhood would pull it south, but the spacing would push it north; 98/2 is clearly absurd though

86: North (to ~88) -- again it could go either way, but you end up tying yourself in knots if it heads south (as the MTA have done)

Then you hit the problem section: there's a case for stops at any of 68, 72, and 79, but obviously not all three. All of them have bus transfers. 72 is the weakest, as there is no transverse road through Central Park (pwned by 68 and 79) and the population runs out quickly to the east (pwned by 79). 79 is obviously the strongest, and the positions of the next station in each direction must be affected by this. 79 St station clearly has to run south, so as not to collide with 86 St station; 68 could go either way -- south is probably better, but that would probably necessitate killing any idea of through service to the downtown portion of the SAS, if it ever happened.


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