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Re: Why are MTA workers not striking due to tonight's conductor assault?

Posted by Nilet on Fri Jul 19 23:17:19 2019, in response to Why are MTA workers not striking due to tonight's conductor assault?, posted by BrooklynTrain on Thu Jul 18 18:36:29 2019.

The mayor, City Council, Public Advocate, and all other elected officials do not seem bothered by the constant level of assaults against MTA employees

Actually, the crime rates are historically low. Unfortunately, expecting them to reach absolute zero is a pipe dream.

as long as the criminals do not get bail, do not get jail time, do not get arrested, etc

I'm not sure what you mean. Are you claiming the attack isn't being investigated? That the police aren't planning to arrest the perpetrator? That the state isn't preparing to try them? That they don't risk the seven-year sentence posted on various surfaces throughout the subway?

None of those things seem even remotely plausible, except that they might get a shorter sentence with a plea bargain.

We never heard the Mayor or the City Council members shout out how the attack on the female MTA conductor at Stillwell Avenue was unacceptable.

Who thinks it's acceptable? People don't habitually state the obvious. If everyone agrees that something is unacceptable, no one has to say it. Not denouncing a random petty crime with no obvious political connection or "controversy" that no one endorses is standard practice for politicians.

There is hardly any enforcement of rampant fare evasion on buses and subways

Fare evasion is a nonviolent petty offense and often a crime of poverty. It has nothing to do with assault.

homeless are taking over entire cars (5 or 6 or more per car after midnight)

Riding the subway while homeless is perfectly legal; it's not even a petty offense. What does it have to do with assault?

fights are breaking out on trains daily

Citation needed.

someone was killed at a "3" train stop in East New York this month, etc

From which we can safely conclude that we have not yet achieved the impossible goal of getting the murder rate down to literally zero. However, the murder rate is historically low, which is good.

But none of this bothers the elected officials

Because petty crime is actually not a serious problem. Rates are low. We can make them lower, but I'm not sure you'd support any of the policies that would actually do that.

And to respond to the subject line—

Why are MTA workers not striking due to tonight's conductor assault?

Because an assault on a conductor is not, in any conceivable sense, a labour issue. It has nothing to do with MTA management, it could not have been realistically prevented by any agreement with MTA management, and as such, striking could not possibly compel MTA management to ensure it never happens again, as the matter is entirely outside their control.


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