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Re: 2 photos of the Park St (Ave) el in Brooklyn

Posted by JOE @ NYCMTS - NYCTMG on Sat Jul 8 00:43:51 2017, in response to Re: 2 photos of the Park St (Ave) el in Brooklyn, posted by TUNNELRAT on Fri Jul 7 14:19:48 2017.

Hello ALL ----

EL KEEPER is correct is his comments -- the passageway gave the York St El passengers a short walk to and across Prospect Street to the west end of the Sands Street EL Station complex and entry stairs.

The photo itself is a view looking due NORTH along Washington Street from a point north of Prospect Street to the passageway over the center of Washington street and its one stairway on the EL structure. York Street is down hill from Prospect Street to below York Street.

See my GOOGLE AERIAL IMAGE LINK BELOW -- the photographer was standing on Washington Street approximately near the word "St." of the label "Washington St", where there was long ago a narrow cross street (between and parallel to York and Prospect St, Henry St?)) that existed...removed many decades later along with the ancient real estate seen in the old photo near the end of the EL stairway, when the BQE was built.

The "Washington Street" EL structure "walkway" was NOT intended as an EL track route provision as built. Being as Washington Street goes down hill from Prospect St and past York Street, the passageway as built was installed ABOVE the two outer platforms of the 2 track EL Station on York Street spanning Washington Ave. Therefore, passengers from each platform could go up stairs to the passageway, and head south towards the stairway near the west end of the Sands St. Station Complex. The Covered passageway also thus maintained a flat level grade from York Street south along Washington Street below even as the street itself rose upgrade and came up closer to the passageway.

The next and last station towards the East River on the Hudson-York El Structure was the Ferry terminal station which ended DIRECTLY UNDER and parallel to the above Brooklyn Bridge Approach, and whose river-facing bumper block station-end was square up against the Brooklyn Anchor Support Pier of the Bridge. And was about a block NORTH of the competing Fulton St. EL's own ferry terminal station station just south of that Bridge Pier at the foot of Old Fulton Street. York Street originally headed straight to the river (with the El above it) parallel and completely straight along the Bklyn Bridge north stone approach wall facade. York Street later was truncated and re-located veering away from the River to the northwest to clear space for the BQE expressway lanes and ramps.

"IF" that "Washington Street" EL "passageway" structure was a planned new track extension, which I strongly doubt, the York St. EL Station and its two outer platforms would have had to be completely removed -- and the overhead covered walkway entirely removed, and two new curved tracks installed from west to south installed - or installed with switches and crossings as possibly part of a " T " junction with the York Street EL continuing down to the Ferry - upon a lower part of that "former passageway" EL structure (to be at track grade with the existing track grade of the York St El) and head UPHILL on Washington Street, crossing Prospect Street, and to possibly stop at a new terminal located OVER Washington St very close directly parallel to the north side wall of the Sands Street Station Complex Building.

AERIAL PHOTO - York & Washington Streets in close relation to where SANDS STREET STATION off Brooklyn Bridge was

Also NOTE as per seen in the aerial image - that with the removal of the Sands Street EL Station and huge trackage Complex in 1944-45 and the creation of Cadman Plaza, and more rebuilding in the mid 1950's, the Roadway (6 lanes) Off Ramps of the Brooklyn Bridge were completely rebuilt and relocated to run parallel on new construction, along Adams Street !

Originally the auto roadways (only two in each direction until the EL - later trolley used - tracks were removed along the center of the bridge) departed from the original ends of the bridge approaches, in tortuous curves into what is now Cadman Plaza with exits onto both Fulton Street to the South and exit to Washington Street to the north !!!

Hope the above info is of use !

regards - Joe F


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