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Trump proposes term limits for House and Senate

Posted by Olog-hai on Tue Oct 18 22:26:09 2016

NBC News

Donald Trump: I Will Push Term Limits to Tell Congress 'You're Fired'

By Ali Vitali
October 18 2016, 9:03 PM ET
Donald Trump's Washington is shaping up to look a lot like a boardroom scene from "The Apprentice."

The GOP nominee on Tuesday told supporters here that he plans to tell the entrenched guard of Congress "you're fired," continuing his ethics reform push by advocating for term limits on members of Congress that would further "drain the swamp" in Washington, D.C.

"If I'm elected president I will push for a constitutional amendment to impose term limits on all members of Congress," Trump said, seeking to capitalize on the momentum of prior ethics reforms announced one night earlier.

Trump at a rally later said his proposal would limit House members to 6 years (3 terms) and Senate members to 12 years (2 terms).

"The decades of failure in Washington and decades of special interest dealing must and will come to an end," Trump said to applause earlier Tuesday, pushing for "new voices" to have a chance at changing the system he sees as failing the American public.

Trump seemed to ignore that some of his top advisers, like Alabama Sen. Jeff Sessions, are in the midst of serving their fourth term in the Senate.

Trump reasoned that his push for new members of Congress will make it "so that we can have a government that works again and can function properly."

The announcement of the reforms both boosts Trump's policy chops on the ethics issue (proposals on the subject were scarce prior to Monday's address) and attempts to draw stark contrast with Hillary Clinton, who Trump has called corrupt and beholden to special interests throughout his time as a candidate.

While the media focus is on allegations of sexual assault and GOP infighting over Trump's leaked 2005 hot mic comments about groping women without consent, the campaign is seeking to solidify Clinton's image in the minds of voters as a corrupt insider beholden to a system that doesn't share average American's interests, according to a campaign aide.


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