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Re: The truth

Posted by Nilet on Thu May 28 23:21:47 2015, in response to Re: The truth, posted by BILLBKLYN on Thu May 28 23:09:35 2015.

O.M.G.!!!! THAT'S going be your rebuttal, that only C. and be racist and not Ls?

Reading comprehension is obviously something they didn't teach you on the street.

What I said was this:

Since racism is an essential aspect of conservatism, a conservative can't accuse a liberal of racism— even if it were true, it'd be hypocritical.

As you can plainly see, I stated quite clearly that plenty of liberals are racist— were this not the case, I would not have to clarify that even if the accusation were true, it would still be hypocritical. A racist conservative who accuses a racist liberal of racism earns himself only an admonition about pots and kettles.

Liberal beliefs? I believe that the "war on drugs" is a joke...

Very curious. Could you please elaborate on why you believe this? For what specific reasons do you oppose the "war on drugs?"

...ALL women should have the right to kill their unborn kid if they want.

"Kill their unborn kid" is a rather odd turn of phrase. Can you provide more detailed beliefs regarding your position on abortion? Does a woman have the right to terminate a pregnancy at any time for any reason, or are there limits? If a woman wants to terminate her pregnancy, does anyone have standing to object? (Eg, the father?)


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