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Re: Romney: It’s Time For Obama ‘To Apologize To America’

Posted by Nilet on Tue Oct 7 11:19:50 2014, in response to Re: Romney: It’s Time For Obama ‘To Apologize To America’, posted by italianstallion on Tue Oct 7 11:04:10 2014.

Then I wonder how you were privy to this supposed exchange.

OK let me rephrase— the general public who only consume mainstream news sources were not privy to the exchange. It didn't make CNN but those who follow politics could see it.

You are claiming a counterfactual that has no basis in the political reality of the time.

The political reality is that Obama and Reid oppose single payer and there was no way it'd pass with them dead set against it.

Why you have no insurance I can't fathom. Perhaps you could explain.

It lapsed.

Of course, even when I had it, it didn't cover pre-existing conditions.

Now I have "insurance" that doesn't cover anything with premiums I can't afford. I don't get subsidies because those only apply to plans bought through the exchanges.

All I know is both of my 30-something sons, who were either unemployed or self-employed in the last 2 years, were able to get very affordable ACA insurance where they would have had zero before.

How comprehensive is it? That's the problem— under the ACA, it's very easy to get "insurance" but the insurance doesn't actually cover anything.

That's because the ACA is designed to look good politically. It gets a lot of people "insured" which makes for good press coverage, and it includes mandatory coverage for preventative treatments, so the multitudes of healthy people have just enough fleeting contact with the health care system to figure everything is fine. The people with pre-existing conditions like me continue to get fucked— the only change is that my denial letter says "we don't cover out of network" rather than "we don't cover pre-existing conditions."


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