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Re: Palestinian university students’ trip to Auschwitz causes uproar

Posted by WMATAGMOAGH on Thu May 8 16:43:01 2014, in response to Re: Palestinian university students’ trip to Auschwitz causes uproar, posted by Nilet on Wed May 7 02:19:54 2014.

Palestine is being choked by an Israeli blockade

Palestine isn't a country. The West Bank is not being blockaded. Both Egypt and Israel restrict the flow of both goods and people to/from Gaza, but you seem to conveniently ignore the fact that Egypt's policies aren't all that different than Israel's in this regard. Furthermore, Egypt has TIGHTENED the restrictions on what gets into Gaza since the military overthrew Morsi's goverment, a fact that I have not seen you mention anywhere in this thread.

Jordan and Egypt seem to be keeping well enough to themselves

Jordan and Egypt have peace treaties with Israel, not to mention their own internal strifes.

just Israel and Palestine trading terrorist attacks back and forth.

When was the last time Israeli terrorists blew up a Palestinian bus? Or committed any other sort of violence against Palestinians aside from price tag attacks? I don't condone price tag attacks, but I do want to put what you're saying into proportion.

Palestine exists in a limbo state where its inhabitants are not Israeli citizens because it's a foreign country but Israel can control it because it's not a country.

Again, Palestine is not a country, it exists in limbo because its nominal leaders have yet to bring themselves to serious peace negotiations with Israel for 66 years.

My point is that Israel can't have it both ways— they need to claim the territories or leave them alone.

They are trying to "leave them alone" as you put it, the only problem is if they did that right now, they would likely create a vacuum in which a terror state set on destructing Israel would likely rise in its place. Meanwhile, people like you can't have it both ways, where you condemn Israel for both trying to build up infrastructure and for trying to give the Palestinians self-determination. For example, the Jerusalem Light Rail passes through Arab neighborhoods. Anti-Israel protestors sued French companies for helping to maintain the "Israeli occupation of East Jerusalem", but would have also been upset had the line bypassed the Arab neighborhoods entirely, denying the Palestinians the same access to public transportation that the Israelis have.

I know more about what you are saying than you do. Once you realize that, we'll make significant progress.


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