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Re: Palestinian university students’ trip to Auschwitz causes uproar

Posted by Nilet on Sat May 10 11:04:01 2014, in response to Re: Palestinian university students’ trip to Auschwitz causes uproar, posted by TerrApin Station on Fri May 9 15:47:39 2014.

Israel DOES act better!!

That's my point. An student with an A+ average who gets a B on one test by cross-multiplying when he should have multiplied would probably get more criticism than a failing student who got (yet another) F on the test by declaring the answer to the same question is "polka dots."

The latter student did much worse, but he doesn't face as much criticism because by this point the teacher knows he's going to drop out anyway and simply doesn't bother.

I don't care what day of the week you put it on my desk. Why do you insist on making these Jewish references, especially since they don't even make sense?

If you want to come to SubChat on Shabbos to read this, be my guest. I figured it was your choice not to.

I'm not asking for the list of secret stuff they've done. I'm asking for the list of the obvious stuff you claim they've done like bombing buses full of civilians, just like what the Palestinians have done. So where's the list you offered?

I've never claimed all of their stuff was "obvious." Bombing a bus is the tactic of a desperate underdog. Israel has the money and the military to employ tactics that don't result in the demise of the agent carrying them out. Unfortunately, that also means they're better able to cover their tracks.

Like I said. 10 minutes with Mossad's files and I'll have the list for you.

Yes, a terrorist state.

Which means...?

Please provide your working definition of the phrase "terrorist state."


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