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Re: Palestinian university students’ trip to Auschwitz causes uproar

Posted by Nilet on Fri May 9 15:24:05 2014, in response to Re: Palestinian university students’ trip to Auschwitz causes uproar, posted by TerrApin Station on Fri May 9 09:21:47 2014.

1. You're an ass.

You're a mule.

2. He's not saying what Israel is doing is ok because other countries do it. He saying if you're goofing to criticize Israel for doing it then criticize all other nations that do it.

Goofing? Normally I'd ignore typos but since you're acting like a colossal tool I'm not going to let this one go unmentioned.

Anyway, the topic of this thread is Israel so that's what I'm talking about.

Moreover, Israel gets more criticism for the same actions because as a modern Western democracy, they should know better. I'd expect Saudi Arabia or North Korea to act like ten foot tall gonads but I expect better from Israel. That's generally a good thing.

After all, if I caught you pissing on my floor it would hardly help your case to declare that I should criticise the dog for doing it just as vehemently.

3. Yes, post the list of all the terroristic things Israel has done like blowing up buses full of civilians.

Give me ten minutes of access to Mossad's files and I'll have it on your desk by 5. On Sunday. Because you wouldn't want it on Shabbos.

In the absence of that (and my unwillingness to do any real research for someone as terminally thick as you) then you'll have to settle for the blockade plus a couple of mosque bombings and/or shootings.

4. Yes, a terror state.

Please phrase your statement in the form of no paint daubs buzzwords.


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