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Re: Palestinian university students’ trip to Auschwitz causes uproar

Posted by Mitch45 on Tue May 6 18:21:22 2014, in response to Re: Palestinian university students’ trip to Auschwitz causes uproar, posted by Nilet on Tue May 6 17:23:55 2014.

So you're blaming Israel for the Palestinians' economic plight? Horseshit. Here's why.

If the Palestinian people are facing an economic plight, the blame lies first and foremost with Palestinian leadership. Europe has been giving the PA millions for decades now. Before he died, much of it ended up in Arafat's pocket - while "suffering for Palestinian rights", he secretly acquired a luxury apartment in Paris for his wife. It was no secret that Arafat was corrupt financially as the day is long.

And where are the oil rich Arab countries like Saudi Arabia? Why aren't they sending some of their trillions to Gaza and the West Bank?

And maybe, just maybe, if the PA and Hamas spent some of that aid money in building infrastructure in Gaza and the West Bank, maybe some Palestinians would actually have jobs. Instead, they're all hanging out on streets.

The bottom line is this: Hamas, and to a lesser extent the PA, are not interested in "easing the economic plight" of the Palestinian people. They want that money for themselves; in addition, they have a vested interest in keeping the Palestinians poor and angry - otherwise, they'd be out of a job.


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