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Re: Palestinian university students’ trip to Auschwitz causes uproar

Posted by Nilet on Tue May 6 21:47:14 2014, in response to Re: Palestinian university students’ trip to Auschwitz causes uproar, posted by Mitch45 on Tue May 6 20:48:32 2014.

Yes. Israel imposes sanctions because Hamas and Fatah use aid money to line their own pockets and to encourage terrorism by offering poor families money if they get a family member to become a "martyr", i.e., blow up innocent women and children on public buses. If the Palestinian leaders used the aid money as intended by the EU - on infrastructure, health care and education - there would be no need for sanctions.

Bullshit. You're conflating giving money to Hamas with providing basic services to the population directly. If Hamas can't be trusted with the money - and it's pretty clear that they can't - then the EU (and Israel) are more than capable of building infrastructure and providing health care and education directly without getting Hamas involved as a middleman.

Moreover, restricting the shipment of goods or the free travel of Palestinians has nothing to do with money and further reveals the lie that it's just about reacting to Hamas.

Saudi Arabia has no excuse for not sending the Palestinians money. They have billions upon billions. Unless, of course, they are well aware that sending them money will just make the Haniyehs of the world rich, like Arafat.

Saudi Arabia is under no obligation to donate money to Palestine. Israel, on the other hand, does have an obligation to not oppress or impoverish Palestine. You're comparing apples to oranges.

See, people like you enjoy putting all of the blame on Israel because it gives you the chance to hate Jews while clothing your hatred in politics.

And here we go again with the bullshit assumptions about what you think I believe. And this one is a double header— you claim (1) that I put all of the blame on Israel and (2) that I hate Jews. That's two straw men flagrantly mutilated just so you could pretend you have a sound argument. As a member of the Association for the Prevention of Cruelty to Straw Men, I must protest this senseless violence against our hay-filled friends.


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