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Re: Summary and Video of November 2015 SBS meeting in Woodhaven

Posted by WillD on Thu Mar 10 09:10:18 2016, in response to Re: Summary and Video of November 2015 SBS meeting in Woodhaven, posted by BrooklynBus on Wed Mar 9 18:29:17 2016.

Given that the intersection in question looks to have a Pedestrian Level of Service on the order of D or E, maybe there are so few pedestrians because the crossing is so clearly terrible.

But on that subject, how is it that in this enormous thread and the many other discussions you've derailed in your attempt to prove bus lanes would result in an increase in congestion that you've never once brought up roadway level of service as defined by the FHWA or AASHTO? I mean if I were attempting to prove an increase in traffic congestion I might attempt to demonstrate that a reduction in road capacity would send a road from LOS D to E or F. Yet somehow you, as a "planner" (and thus supposedly grounded in the mathematical aspects of transportation planning), have gone this entire thread without bringing up that subject once? In fact I can recall no instance of you referring to this most basic of traffic engineering shorthand in any of the screeds you've managed to get published over the years. Instead you've offered little more than what you feel the impact will be with no evidence beyond your anecdotal recollections and imaginings.

It's almost as though you're wholly unfamiliar with even the barest rudiments of quantitative traffic engineering or even transportation planning and are only able to make qualitative arguments grounded entirely in anecdotal evidence. No, wait, that's precisely what it is. The shorthand version is BS.

I'm sure you're furiously googling for FHWA and AASHTO pages at the moment, and I'd suggest your textbook may have a better definition. That assumes you kept that textbook. And that assumes that you were educated in the field you're attempting to pontificate on to the point that you change municipal policy.

Anyway, in before Allen inserts his new favorite buzzword "level of service" into every other post.


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