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Re: Summary and Video of November 2015 SBS meeting in Woodhaven

Posted by R30A on Wed Jan 27 19:31:16 2016, in response to Re: Summary and Video of November 2015 SBS meeting in Woodhaven, posted by BrooklynBus on Wed Jan 27 11:36:10 2016.

"How do you know how bad it is when you don't travel on the roa?. When I used it daily, during rush hours there was a traffic meltdown about twice a week. I am sure now it is much worse."
How do you know I don't use Woodhaven? I certainly see it even if I am not necessarily in it.
Furthermore, whats to say that this won't improve the traffic. It surely seems like the most likely outcome.

"And the point is there are no parallel roads for cars to use other than residential streets hitch require you to turn off every few blocks because none of them are through streets. The alternatives mies away are just as bad or worse than Woodhaven. You are essentially leaving people with no alternative. Also the left turn restrictions makes it much more difficult to leave the roadway to seek an alternative."
A. Residential streets work fine for cars to use.
B. Not all require turns every few blocks. 111th/114th and Lefferts both provide through routes which are fully functional. Smaller streets work for shorter distances.

"And buses will constantly get stuck in their own lane because SBS and express buses will not be able to easily pas the locals which will stop every block."

"As I said , the onus to fight summonses that shoud not have been received shoud not be on the motorist."
Why not? If they are too afraid, they can not use the bus lane.

"Wrong. The assumptions I am making is that the shelter areas will not be timely cleared in both instances just like it took the city three days to clear the streets of snow in Woodhaven. The difference is when they are not clear in the medians, riders will have to wait in the bus lane for the bus since there is no sidewalk for them to stand on that may have been cleared by a homeowner or store."

And my point is, your assumption is baseless. There is no reason to believe that the bus stops will not be cleared with SBS any more than there is reason to believe there will be a place cleared without SBS. Snow clearing has nothing at all to do with SBS. Uncleared stops without anywhere safe to wait can happen with or without SBS. Cleared stops can happen with or without SBS.

"My arguments are totally asked on reality.

No? (Assuming you mean based.)

"Your arguments make inaccurate assumptions and are therefore incorrect."
LOL. I have not been making assumptions. I have just been pointing out that yours are wrong.


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