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Re: Summary and Video of November 2015 SBS meeting in Woodhaven

Posted by R30A on Wed Feb 3 13:58:00 2016, in response to Re: Summary and Video of November 2015 SBS meeting in Woodhaven, posted by BrooklynBus on Wed Feb 3 13:06:38 2016.

"The city speed limit was 30 not 40, so the police certainly could have still pulled over someone doing 40 prior to lowering the speed limit."
It was 35 on Woodhaven until the changes you complain so much about started happening. 35 is MUCH more likely to result in death/injury than 30, which in turn is MUCH more likely to result in death/injury than 25.

"State DOT is responsible for its contractors. Hiring a contractor doing incompetent work does not get them off the hook. Besides NYSDOT defended their work.

Your analogies make no sense. What I stated was that NYCDOT does not really care about safety regardless of what State DOT is doing. If they did they would, they would timely repainted crosswalks, not do it years after they wear out. They would replace missing by and faded street signs in less than three years. Poor signage causes indecision and can lead to accidents."
And my point with regards to the STATE DOT was... The State DOT is wholly irrelevant.
With regards to signage and street repair, I surely agree with you in concept. YES, the City DOT should maintain safe conditions.
BUT THAT IS NO REASON WHY THEY SHOULD MAINTAIN THE CURRENT UNSAFE CONDITIONS. Your argument appears to boil down to "Because some things are unsafe, we shouldn't invest in making other things more safe."

"And I couldn't find the elevators from the lower mezzanine to the upper mezzanine at Hudson Yards because there aren't any. They have inclinators and I didn't bother looking for the tiny wheelchair symbol to tell me where they were. The escalator was right there so I took it. My sign comprehension is just fine."

inclinator. Noun. (plural inclinators) An elevator that ascends an incline rather than in a vertical shaft.

So, yes, there are in fact elevators.

The symbol isn't tiny, and it is a universally recognized symbol used worldwide for wheelchair access. So no, your sign comprehension is obviously not "just fine".


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