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Re: Study to Improve Staten Island Bus Service (Source: SILive)

Posted by checkmatechamp13 on Mon Aug 24 17:27:30 2015, in response to Re: Study to Improve Staten Island Bus Service (Source: SILive), posted by dkupf on Mon Aug 24 03:08:35 2015.

I guess the Q30 shouldn't run along the HHE service road, then. Heck, look at the Bx5: The Bruckner is a barrier, and not only do you have the Bx5 running there, but you have the Bx8 on one side and the Bx24 on the other. Maybe we should get greedy and ask for two separate routes for each side of the expressway. One covering the north side and ending by the School of Civic Leadership, and the other covering the south side and ending at Felton & Fahy.

Or, how about we be more reasonable, and ask for one route? The same way Bx6 & Bx46 riders can stay on board to travel around the Hunts Point Loop, or the same way LGA riders can ride through the loop at LGA, we can have the S66 end at Goethals & South, have a brief 3-5 minute layover, and then go back to St. George where the drivers can take their main layover.

As for the S44, the (daytime) route is long and delay-prone enough as is, and should not be touched. (Aside from that, the two local stops along Lafayette Avenue serve a senior housing complex, where most of the riders travel middays). On top of that, Prospect Avenue is on a hill as well, so it doesn't fully solve the topography issue.

My solution for Prospect Avenue is as follows: Combine the S42 with the S54.

The S54 would start at Seaview Hospital, take the regular route to Castleton & Broadway, then continue along Castleton to Brighton Avenue (providing additional service for riders seeking RUMC and I.S.61 in both directions). It would then go up Brighton Avenue to Lafayette, then Lafayette to Prospect, Prospect to Franklin, and then Franklin to Richmond Terrace to St. George.

Not only would this provide a quicker route to St. George for Hamilton Park residents, but it would also provide them with service heading west, rather than just towards St. George. Additionally, this would relieve overcrowding on the S46, and provide Manor Road with a direct bus to St. George.

For the southern portion along Giffords Lane, I would create a local branch of the S79 (maybe call it the S77). It would serve Great Kills instead of Eltingville, and also run down McClean Avenue to serve the South Beach Houses and also supplement the S53. (The S52 would be straightened out to run straight down Sand Lane).

Great Kills residents generally prefer to go to the SI Mall, or shopping along Hylan Blvd, rather than go to points on the North Shore. They'd also benefit from the direct connection to Brooklyn.


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