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Re: Study to Improve Staten Island Bus Service (Source: SILive)

Posted by checkmatechamp13 on Tue Sep 1 22:49:55 2015, in response to Re: Study to Improve Staten Island Bus Service (Source: SILive), posted by dkupf on Tue Sep 1 13:00:32 2015.

Have you looked at an actual demographic map, or are you just going off stereotypes that you heard?

Willowbrook Road south of Forest Avenue is an upper-middle class white neighborhood (roughly 80%). Decker Avenue is a diverse upper-middle class neighborhood (roughly 50% white). Both of those areas have median incomes of over $80,000. It's only once you cross Post Avenue where it becomes the "stereotypical" North Shore.

Compare that to the Bulls Head/Graniteville area which is a middle class, diverse neighborhood. Median income of around $70,000, and about 50% white.

So if anything, if your concern is serving "transit-dependent" populations, my proposal actually does a better job.

Not that any of this would be a concern, considering that I regularly attend the community board meetings in Port Richmond and know the members there. Not to mention tons of signatures from Port Richmond residents themselves, who know I have their best interests at heart (especially considering I attended high school there and still go to the neighborhood regularly)

And as I've stated before, the S57 would carry a lot more than 2-3 riders per trip along the Jewett Avenue portion. It would basically get all of the current S57 riders north of Forest Avenue, along with most of the riders between Forest & Victory, with a few former S54 riders tacked on for good measure (remember that Jewett Avenue is only a few blocks from Manor Road, compared to Willowbrook Road which is over a mile away) on top of the 2-3 riders riding within Jewett Avenue itself. So no, it's actually not too far-fetched that a bus could be rolling down Jewett Avenue with 10-15 people on board.

Grymes Hill ridership was worse than Jewett because the S60 didn't actually connect to anyplace people want to go. It didn't go to the ferry, and it didn't connect to the shopping district by Victory & Manor. You do realize that the number of people boarding the S66 within Grymes Hill is over double the old S60's ridership, right? Aside from that, a 5 minute diversion is completely different than having a dedicated route for the neighborhood. You put 3 buses on the route, and you're providing access to a whole swath of the North Shore, which happens to include Grymes Hill.


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