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Op-Ed: Not sold on B44 Select Bus

Posted by Gold_12th on Sat Nov 23 12:30:29 2013

Just when you thought service could not get any worse on the B44 bus, the MTA reaches a new low with Select Bus Service.

The old, canceled limited bus service needs to be returned to this route because the SBS buses on Nostrand and Bedford Aves. are a disservice.

They do not stop at the former limited stops so that the people who wait there actually get less bus service than before via packed local buses.

Meanwhile, the SBS buses are mostly empty, with just a handful of passengers on those extra long vehicles; and they still run in bunches!

We were sold the idea of SBS buses as a way to prevent people from sneaking on to buses through the back door.

I wasn’t persuaded.

There was no enforcement on any buses previously.

I believe the MTA will cook the data by putting undercover officers on the SBS buses to show how effective they are against fare beaters.

Still, I waited for a crowded local bus for 20 minutes the the other day.
--- Paul Evans


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