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Posted by Terrapin Station on Wed Feb 20 23:46:59 2008, in response to Re: ROBBED BY A COP— AGAIN!, posted by Bee Flexible #823 on Wed Feb 20 23:22:14 2008.

First and foremost, Nilet, what was the special photo op at GCT that you had to get a picture of? An M1A? M2? M3A? M4? M6? M7A? Shoreliner? Phoebe Snow Cars? Private Varnish?


And you could not go anywhere else on MNRR to get it?

Why should he have to?

Secondly, I was also on the ACMU Farewell Trip back in 2004. I remember the lunch stop at Grand Central Terminal. We were told before we arrived that you may photograph ONLY THE ACMU EXCURSION TRAIN!!! DO NOT PHOTOGRAPH ANY OTHER TRAINS ON ANY OTHER PLATFORMS!!!

So what? Employees say a lot of things.

I believe we were informed that it is not allowed on any of the platforms and the exception was for our special train.

Saying it is now allowed is not the same as saying/knowing that it is actually prohibited by law/legal regulation. They were likely feeding us BS to save themselves from trouble.

It was also told because they did not want anybody wandering around where you are not allowed or on trains that were sitting idle on adjacent tracks.

I don't see how not taking photos would prevent either of those actions.

Also, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I just spoke to a friend of mine who is employed by MNRR. A higher up you can say. Anyway, he told me that photography IS INDEED ILLEGAL ON ANY PLATFORM OF GRAND CENTRAL TERMINAL for the exception that you are escorted by Dan Bruckner-MNRR President.

Ahaahahahahahahahhahahaahahha! Aahahahahahhahahahahaahhahaahah! Ahahaahahhahahahahaahahha! Aahahahhah. Aahha. ahah. ha.

Um, no. What part of...


...do you not understand? And what part does your apparently worthless higher-up not understand? And you actually trust this source? How much other BS has he fed you? Oh, and Dan Bruckner is not the MNRR President, lol lol lol lol. You really need to get your facts straight.

Inside the terminal such as in the main concourse-they will not bother you. Also anywhere else on MNRR, they should not bother you.

Bother? This isn't an issue of being bothered or not. People get bothered all the time while doing legal activities. The issue is where it is LEGAL OR NOT. And it is legal.

Yes, they may come up to you and QUESTION you. But they SHOULD NOT bother you as long as you are not a distraction of operation or on another's property. But again, we still hear the stories.

So now there's a well defined difference between "question" and "bother"?

Nilet, I don't want to say this, but the MNRR Employees, MTAPD and Armed Forces were justified with what they were doing.

No, they were not.

You did not help the cause either by brushing them off or by saying it is legal when it is not.

Right, he should have instead lied and said "yes, I am doing a bad thing and yes it is illegal, please stop me". Get real. The terrorists win every time you let the authorities walk all over you.

If you showed the employees a printout of the photography rules, the outcome may have been a little different.

WHAT?!?!? Now you're saying there's photography rules that could have helped him?! But you just said photography isn't allowed in GCT! So how could these rules have helped him then!? You are CON-FUSED.

You are just asking for trouble every time you go out and take photos.

No he's not.


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