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Re: MTA training (Re: Called A ''Terrorist'' By A T/O)

Posted by Allan on Wed Dec 12 08:30:22 2007, in response to MTA training (Re: Called A ''Terrorist'' By A T/O), posted by SelkirkTMO on Wed Dec 12 02:17:52 2007.

"They've been instructed QUITE specifically to report ANY "suspicious activity" and like it or not, they've been instructed that what you're doing IS"

Unka Kevin, the key word is REPORT. As I understand the way the instructions were given to TA staff - they are supposed to report suspicious activity - not CONFRONT the person(s) doing the activity that may be deemed suspicous.

That appears to be the biggest issue from what I have seen posted in a number of threads. The TA staff member actually says something to the the person taking the photo (e.g. "Photography is not allowed" etc). They are taking matters into their own hands which is contrary to the instructions they were given.

IMHO, the T/O was at fault. She should have simply gotten on the radio, reported it and let the NYPD handle it. Had she taken the train out of service for such a lame reason she surely would have been, at minimum, reprimanded. Based on her thinking any homeless person could be considered dangerous prompting lots of trains to be taken out of service.

Amazingly I have never encountered this situation. Perhaps a middle aged white male with a camera taking pictures doesn't make many people see suspicous activity - which is fine considering I am not doing anything suspicious.

So far I have been staying pretty much in the background in this entire thread but I might as well put in my 2 cents. Nilet - I don't recall ever meeting you on any of the MOD or similar trips but based on you various postings you seem to be making yourself a "target" a lot(whether intentionally or unintentionally). You seem to want the confrontation (again intentionally or unintentionally). My suggestion to you - if you plan to take action on this latest situation, continue to do so. But in the future try to be a bit more discreet. If confronted, you can state the rules but if you aren't getting anywhere - walk away. You can always go back after the train has left.


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