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What Would Happen If The 60th Street Tunnel Were Closed?

Posted by Nilet on Sat May 23 03:58:53 2015

If the 60th Street tunnel had to go out of service full time for over a year like Montague after Sandy, how would the MTA work around that?

Obviously, R trains can be diverted through 63rd Street and the 7 can be made fairly self-sufficient during its isolation (maybe a few cars will have to be trucked to 207th or Coney Island and back) but what would happen to the Astoria line? Assuming there isn't enough room to bring a train off the Queens Boulevard IND and reverse in the tunnel, the Astoria line would be cut off from any yard, meaning it wouldn't be feasible to operate it as a shuttle for a full year.

Most likely, the MTA would shutter it and bustitute it (while contemplating whether a case can be made to TEAR DOWN THE ASTORIA EL for reals), but would it be relatively easy to run an Astoria shuttle using IRT cars (adding wood platform extenders to cover the gap)?

What about building a switch on the lower level and running Astoria trains through to Manhattan to connect with the truncated N line at Times Square?

Sorry, it's 4 in the morning and I should be going to sleep.


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