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Re: What Would Happen If The 60th Street Tunnel Were Closed?

Posted by Michael549 on Wed May 27 15:20:29 2015, in response to Re: What Would Happen If The 60th Street Tunnel Were Closed?, posted by Wallyhorse on Tue May 26 18:07:46 2015.

Wally, the basic problem with your idea, is not the historical ideas about a Brooklyn/Queens train line that does not enter Manhattan and but services Brooklyn and Queens directly, but the fact that the majority of Astoria N & Q riders WANT & DO travel between Manhattan and Queens regularly.

Your idea would be spending money to take folks where they, in large numbers, do not WANT to go - while not offering help for the proposed long-term repair of the 60th Street Tunnel. Plus the planning, designing and building of an elevated line that involves the G-train and the Astoria elevated line could very easily take a year or more to be realized.

What also makes planning and design of your proposal heavily detailed is that the elevated #7, the 59th Street-Queens-Borough Bridge are in the way. Plus space and land would also have to be found to elevate the tracks from the G-line to connect at Queens-Borough Plaza. In addition, the capability to have G-trains still connected to the Queens Plaza station, and N & Q trains still able to use the 60th Street Tunnel after the repair work - makes this a very complicated proposal.

Even assuming that such an elevated connection could be built (a big if) and that there were direct trains between Astoria & Smith-9th Street/Church Avenue - how does that REALLY help Astoria riders who really WANT & NEED to get to or from Manhattan? The G-train is not exactly noted for its river connections to Manhattan!

What makes this "what-if" problem interesting (to me at least) is that Queens only has 4 river crossings, and three of those crossings are fulled to the max with trains and passengers. This makes shifting around riders when one of the crossings it out of service a much more difficult affair - even if it is just a "what if" game. The E, F, M, R, #7 and L trains are all filled with riders rush hours - adding on the extra huge numbers of N & Q train riders is not something easily done.

In addition once the 60th Street Tunnel repairs were complete, the great majority of Astoria N & Q riders would return to their usual travel methods between and Manhattan and Queens.

Yes, I agree it could be a hassle to take N or Q trains from Astoria, change to the #7 Queens-Borough Plaza, and then change again to the G-train at Court Square. I just question the numbers of folks that NEED & ACTUALLY DO THAT on a regular basis. Yes, this "what-if" proposal is not an easy one that creates an "obivious" solution.



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