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Re: What color should a future CTA rail line be?

Posted by WillD on Tue Dec 23 15:52:15 2014, in response to Re: What color should a future CTA rail line be?, posted by Joe V on Sun Dec 21 08:20:32 2014.

The Brown and Red lines on the North Side are packed and run every 3 to 5 minutes, more than a "pittance of capacity".

At around 15mph, which comes to a standstill when a Brown line train crosses over at Belmont. And all for a 6 car train with a a capacity somewhere around half that of a B division car. Also, Brown and Red line trains only serve two stations together, so it's really misleading to claim their headways are additive. Fine, Belmont and Fullerton get decent service, but that's it.

And it's worth mentioning that the basic O'hare to McCormick Place line could be built for between 3 and 4 billion dollars. That compares very favorably with the $5+ dollar proposals that have come out of previous plans from the CTA.

There is no way an upgraded UP-North line can pick up the slack, and they don't stop every half mile.

Why would you want it to stop every half mile? It'd work effectively as an express service. But who said anything about the the CNW-N line?

You are also on a private Class I railroad, and they are not selling it, and that goes for most Metra Lines.

... except for the lines I mentioned, the Milw-W and Milw-N lines, and the Rock Island line, all of which are fully owned by Metra and if electrified would serve the gaps left by the L network quite well. The only segment that is a private railroad would be from Franklin Park to O'hare, and then there is plenty of room to segregate passenger and freight traffic.

Chicago Crossrail will be shot down by the greater desire to rip down the St Charles Airline for real estate development.

You keep repeating this, yet the St Charles Air Line continues to exist. And while their current approach shows an aboveground routing, it could well be tunneled under the Chicago river to McCormick Place station for a slight increase in cost. If they really want to clear the St. Charles Air Line then it'd be a perfect opportunity to dig a cheap cut and cover trench leading to a bored tunnel under the river, and then sell the air rights over the trench.

Union Station connectivity to the the Loop area sucks becomes of its poor connectivity to CTA.

No, you mean east-west connectivity in the Loop and the immediate vicinity sucks, largely because the L network sucks for east-west travel regardless of whether one is starting at Union Station. That's why private ROW streetcars would be a significant improvement in improving connectivity between the lakefront and Ashland. They'd provide a capacity near that provided by CTA L trains, without requiring the billions needed to tunnel through the heart of the loop.


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