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Re: What color should a future CTA rail line be?

Posted by WillD on Wed Dec 24 09:37:07 2014, in response to Re: What color should a future CTA rail line be?, posted by Joe V on Tue Dec 23 17:15:39 2014.

Red & Brown trains are 8 cars, and they about the size of IRT cars save 3 feet in length.

In trains that are 6 to 8 cars during rush hours.

They are also separate routes EACH running every 3 to 5 minutes, and EACH is crowded.

Yes, crowded because they run tiny trains.

Go read the schedule.

Go ride the trains. Nothing quite like sitting 8 or so minutes for a Brown line train at Rush hour.

I mentioned the UP-North line because it is closest to the North Side "L".

That's the only L line that counts?

The Milw-North line is much further west on the West side, which has become very depopulated and crime-ridden.

Ah, so it's a matter of those people not deserving quality transit. And incidentally, not depopulated and in fact some of the more rapidly gentrifying areas in Chicago are south of the Kennedy.

The Block 37 proposal for O'hare is dead.

And that's a great thing, as you've established, the L network is too slow and small to provide an adequate express link to O'hare.

which would be nothing close to rapid transit in intervals,

Why wouldn't it? I don't see why it couldn't run 6 to 10 TPH throughout the day.

trip time for a passenger is no better the the Blue Line with skip-stop.

Except that skip-stop service ruins the trip for anyone attempting to make a local trip along the Blue Line. Not everyone is going to the loop, and they do not deserve to have their commute ruined for the sake of airport travellers.

There are no plans tunnel under - dream on.

We'll see. It's not like there's a plan to do anything to the L network other than a few tiny extensions. So at least someone is looking to improve fixed guideway transit in the Chicagoland area. And I know it kills you that all around the world systems have discovered that commuter rail is the superior means of moving commuters through cities, but I guess you'll just have to face reality someday.


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