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A Little Perspective Of Things.....Re: Report: Rockefeller was asleep at the throttle

Posted by Train Man Paul : Metro-North's Best Conductor FOR ALL 3 LINES!!! on Tue Dec 3 17:10:18 2013, in response to Re: Report: Rockefeller was asleep at the throttle, posted by 5301 Fishbowl on Tue Dec 3 10:57:48 2013.

This post is not a direct response to any one poster on this thread or any one poster on any thread in relation to the events of Sunday, December 1st 2013 at about 7:20am in the Spuyten-Duyvil section of The Bronx on MTA Metro-North Railroad's Hudson Line. This is a general speak out (or rant some might call it, call it whatever you choose!!) on the large amounts of neysayers, side-seat-drivers and so-called "know-it-alls" from posters here all the way up to the public, the very uneducated public, and even more severely uneducated media, who are saying a lot of negative stuff against this engineer, a fellow co-worker and a friend of mine, making claims and implications of criminality and making commentary about what happened without having all the facts, or even any slight inkling of the facts, about what really happened which lead to this terrible tragedy. Here I start.....

I happen to know William Rockefeller very well, and he is definitely a very diligent, competent, well versed, and great-to-work-with engineer!!! I would go down the road with him ANYTIME!!!

All day, both from reading the ridiculousness of the article headlines in the trash rag NY Post and in the new trash rag, the NY Daily News, and from hearing all this bullshit being spewed by other media "think-they-know-it-alls" and the neysayers of the public who don't know shit from ice cream, I have become sick and completely tired of listening to people judge this man, call what happened an act of criminality, and drawing up their own baseless views of things without the benefits of intellect and knowledge, knowledge of trains, train operation, duties of conductors and engineers, and even the plain inability to even call the man what he is, an ENGINEER, not a motorman and damn sure NOT a conductor!!! Charles Schumer said it best in the Post today......“it’s premature to blame anyone or anything right now.” Did he say that clear enough???? Did I post it clear enough???? "IT'S PREMATURE TO BLAME ANYONE OR ANYTHING RIGHT NOW."

One more time for good measure......


Get it folks??? Do all the neysayers, the "side-seat-drivers", the "think-they-know-it-alls" get it???? One more time to drive the point home......."IT'S PREMATURE TO BLAME ANYONE OR ANYTHING RIGHT NOW."

The reality is that he, much like the millions of other railroaders and transit employees of the world, ARE HUMAN, they make mistakes, errors in judgement, can become tired, fatigued and stressed!! Tragedies have happened in the past and there more than likely will be more in the time to come!! Technology is NOT perfect, NOTHING MANKIND KIND BUILT NOR CAN EVER BUILD is perfect!!! Equipment can and does fail!! Even the most sophisticated control devices in any industry can fail!! Humans are not perfect either, never have been nor ever will be!! The truth will come.....wait for the truth to come out!!! Spare us all the blame games until then!!!

Should this have happened?? ABSOLUTELY NOT!!! Could this have been prevented?? MORE THAN LIKELY YES!!! Do we know all the causes and events leading up to this WITH ABSOLUTE FACT, IRREFUTABLE FACT??? HELL NO!!! Much like other events of the past, other tragedies and accidents of the past, we all must learn from it, and take whatever steps necessary to make sure nothing like this happens again!! But jumping to judgment on all sides, be it passengers, the media and other neysayers, and media and newspaper outlets making outrageous headlines to news articles for the sake of selling papers does ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!!! Serves no purpose, and often in the end, the neysayers, the media folks who are sure of themselves and their slanderous garbage, end up having to apologize for their nonsense!! Before the rains of judgment, the spews of the "know-it-alls", and the like come flowing, please wait for the officials to complete their investigations and do what they have to do to FIND OUT THE FACTS!!! Not the speculations and the neysays, THE FACTS!!! JUST THE FACTS!!!

Let the NTSB, Metro-North, and the MTA officials do their jobs!! Once the final report and findings are out, then make judgments!! Until then, pipe down, wait for the truth, THE UNDENIABLE, BEYOND A SHADOW OF ANY DOUBT, truth to come out!!! Leave the speculation, "know-it-all-ism", blame games and neysaying at the door!!

Thank you!!!!


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