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Re: A Little Perspective Of Things.....Re: Report: Rockefeller was asleep at the throttle

Posted by cortelyounext on Thu Dec 5 19:29:05 2013, in response to Re: A Little Perspective Of Things.....Re: Report: Rockefeller was asleep at the throttle, posted by JayZeeBMT on Thu Dec 5 18:29:22 2013.

C-rtely-unext has said numerous times that he is a F/O currently flying B737 equipment.

Come on, now, a little history so I do not come across as some kind of arrogant prima donna a--hole call it what you will. I have spelled out my work schedule now and again because people seem amused interested. I first mentioned I flew some time after I began contributing to this site when I engaged in a thread with Dr. Ron Aryel who proceeded to summarily ridicule mock taunt me call it what you will for my quote unquote ignorance about X-band flat panel Phased Array radar systems, high bypass fans, and aerodynamic axial flow. Up until that point, I never discussed my background since it added nothing to this board. As for my other career, I stated I was career military early on but only mentioned I was a USAF aviator in an emotional and lengthy missive against LuchAAA years ago because I needed to make a clear and direct point to him. In order to do so I felt I needed to show I was eminently at least partially qualified to discuss the matter. To his credit, he chose not to stir things up further and instead responded with an apology which I accepted.


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