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Re: WMATA: Comparing the first map to the latest

Posted by WMATAGMOAGH on Fri Sep 9 10:21:09 2011, in response to WMATA: Comparing the first map to the latest, posted by Sand Box John on Fri Sep 9 08:36:55 2011.

I said dashes over stripes for rush hour service
Rush hours instead of peak hours
No dots for reduced rush hour service (unless you are at Huntington or Eisenhower, you'll still be able to get to the stations between Mount Vernon Square and Fort Totten 3-4 times an hour)
Blue parking symbols
Write out the line names the way they are now

My biggest issues as follows:

The idea of calling the line to IAD a spur of the Orange Line. This "spur" is 23 miles long and one of its major destinations (the airport) is way beyond the split at East Falls Church. Considering the frequency with which the topic of the A train split before getting to JFK comes up on this board and all the signs at A train stations in New York telling people not to get on a Lefferts Boulevard train, why does anyone think that sort of problem won't come up in DC, especially when tourists just get told to get on an Orange Line train?

Also, how is it that until the bloggers all moved to DC half an hour ago that people were able to figure out how the intermediate terminals worked? Yes, it is a bit confusing with the Yellow Line to Mount Vernon Square/Fort Totten, but why does DC need these ugly, pointless filled in dots at the terminal stations when every other city with short turning services somehow gets by without them? They should just leave things as they are, bold the terminal stations (the way they are on the BART map), and/or write on the descriptions for the lines at the top of the map something like Shady Grove or Grosvenor to Silver Spring or Glenmont.

Finally, and I've been saying this for awhile, the split lines situation would go away if they match the endpoints of the lines with the frequencies at which they need to be run. Therefore, I propose the following line pairings (change the color names if desired):

Orange: Vienna to Largo
Blue: Franconia to Stadium-Armory
Silver: Tysons/Dulles/Route 772 to New Carrollton (I realize it is a long trip, but it isn't that much longer than to Stadium-Armory)

There would still be a split on the Yellow Line south of Alexandria, but that is better than the current proposal IMO.

Finally, David Alpert needs to realize that most of the ideas from his map contest didn't carry over to the new map. In fact, many of the maps were downright awful and in some cases practically useless. I'm glad they more or less stuck with the current design. It is pretty remarkable how a guy with enough money that he doesn't need to work a real job can be come a so called expert on topics about which if the institutional memory at WTOP, the Washington Post, WMATA, and among his buddies were longer than a few hours, ignore the history of the DC region and its complexities, especially when it comes to Metro. That isn't to say that progressive planning processes shouldn't be implemented in the DC area, such as bike lanes, because they should, but his arrogant, I'm right and anyone who disagrees with me is dead wrong attitude and total ignorance on how things came to be the way they are today over the course of time long before he came to DC is something that the DC area could do without.


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