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Re: Don’t Look Now, But Things Are Getting Brighter for Trump

Posted by JayZeeBMT on Tue Dec 10 07:33:02 2019, in response to Don’t Look Now, But Things Are Getting Brighter for Trump, posted by Dave on Tue Dec 10 07:07:31 2019.

The only "superpower" Trump actually has is his strange immunity from suffering the consequences of his actions like almost every other human being on this planet must. It's a unique ability that has held him aloof from the rules of society his entire life. That the economy is doing well is largely due to the fact that it was in good shape when he took office. Generally speaking, bull markets tend to be bull markets regardless of who is in the White House; it's when the economy goes bad that the President needs to have a strong hand on the tiller. We saw that at the beginning of Obama's presidency, when his careful handling of finance kept us from entering a second Great Depression.

As for Trump emerging better than he was before the impeachment, that might well be, because we all know the outcome of the Senate trial has already been predetermined by the GOP, which will put party before country and ignore the overwhelming evidence of Trump's criminal behavior. However, of the other three impeachments in American history, the party that brought the proceedings has always gone on to win the next general election. Impeachment, even for a Teflon Don like Trump, hurts the party whose incumbent is being impeached. The exposition of Trump's skulduggery will be very clearly spelled out in the Articles of Impeachment, for all the world to see. The Senate won't remove Trump from office, but enough voters might, once they realize just how malicious Trump really is, based on his own words.

Again, it is true that all his life, Trump has enjoyed immunity from punishment for things that would quickly land you or I on jail. But, that's a horrible thing for our young people to see--an American leader repeatedly rewarded for bad behavior. It runs against everything we learn in childhood. If Trump is acquitted by the Senate (a foregone conclusion), he will immediately trot out the victim card, his supporters will believe him, and he will go right back to soliciting other countries to help him interfere with the election. That will be worse than what he did before; our republican democracy will be over because our electoral process will have no integrity.

An emboldened, lame-duck Trump in his second term will be completely out of control. Only people going to the polls and voting Trump out will stop it from happening, as it is clear that the only Constitutional remedy for removing a negligent or malicious President outside of an election, is not functioning as intended by the Founders this time.


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