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Re: George Zimmerman Is WRONG

Posted by Nilet on Mon Mar 30 05:51:51 2015, in response to Re: George Zimmerman Is WRONG, posted by BILLBKLYN on Mon Mar 30 05:22:10 2015.


So why are black people so much poorer overall?

Why do black people make up a vastly disproportionate percentage of the prison population?

What about segregation? Do you seriously think that "separate but equal" was actually real? Or that people who were denied access to housing, jobs, and education on account of segregation somehow managed to recoup the massive economic losses? Remember, many of them are still alive— and most of their children certainly are. Remember, socioeconomic status is hereditary; poor parents have poor children.

Cut it out with the whole Lefty myth of something that doesn't exist.

You yourself acknowledged that white privilege is real when you admitted that white people can call the cops when they get robbed but black people can't.

ANYONE can be racist.

Incorrect. The term "racism" is typically used as a synecdoche for "systemic racism." Systemic racism benefits white people at the expense of everyone else. As such, only white people can be racist— while a black person can certainly declare that he hates all other races, the complete absence of institutional power behind his declaration makes it meaningless and irrelevant.

ANYONE can be bigoted.

Again, when people talk about bigotry, they're generally referring to the combination of prejudice and power.

"I hate you because of your race" is not a societal problem.

"I hate you because of your race, and my hatred is socially acceptable (or at least tolerated) so I can get away with killing you" is a societal problem.

Here's a question, if whites only make up a small percentage of the Earth's population compared to other races, wouldn't THEY be the minority?

The term "minority" is based on the numbers in America, and although it's become a shorthand for "oppressed group" it doesn't mean the same thing.

Women represent about 50% of the population, yet they still constitute an oppressed group.

In South Africa, black people comprised about 90% of the population and yet were still an oppressed group under apartheid; by numbers, white people were a small majority but were still the privileged group.

Or are you planning to claim that apartheid benefited black people?

Power dynamics matter; numbers don't.


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