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Re: Why is it that you never see a black person being the goofy one on tv commercials?

Posted by italianstallion on Wed Jan 28 17:19:09 2015, in response to Re: Why is it that you never see a black person being the goofy one on tv commercials?, posted by GP38/R42 Chris on Wed Jan 28 16:57:35 2015.

"Yes, it's not discriminatory to show a white person as a burglar, but it is to show a black person as a burglar in let's say a home security system commercial."

I'm surprised why people don't understand why this is so.

Whites are the dominant group in America. They are 77% of the population. Whites are, like it or not, the "default" image of Americans. Showing them is as good is OK; showing them as bad is OK. By showing a burglar to be white, you are not insulting whites or stereotyping them as burgers, you are just indicating the statistical likelihood of reality.

Blacks are 13% of the population, and have been stereotyped as criminals for hundreds of years. By showing a black as a burglar, you are feeding into that negative, and false, stereotype, and confirming the erroneous views of bigots.

As a white person, it does not bother me in the least that whites are shown as burglars in commercials. I am secure enough to realize that, as part of the vast majority, no one will think a white burglar image has any negative effect on me.

But I can certainly understand it if black people, being such a small minority, would be offended by depictions of black people as burglars given the sad history of stereotyping and discrimination.


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