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Streetcarman will bealive anything that makes whites look bad

Posted by The Silence on Sun Sep 14 19:24:10 2014, in response to Re: Daniele Watts allegedly detained for refusing to produce ID, posted by streetcarman1 on Sun Sep 14 13:26:02 2014.

So just because it doesn't say he was asked, then he wasn't asked in your mind?

Well, that just proves how much of an a idiot you are.

You want to know why..?


On September 13, 2014, someone called 911 on the couple when they spotted them in their own car kissing, assuming the mixed race pair were a john and prostitute. She was handcuffed for not showing her ID to the police officers who arrived, feeling they had no reason to ask for it, though her husband complied

From Variety

UPDATE: Los Angeles police responded to the incident in a statement on Sunday, saying that they were responding to a complaint that a man and woman were involved in indecent exposure in a silver Mercedes with the door open.

According to the LA Times, a sergeant and officers responded to the call and “located two individuals that matched the description of the suspects, and they were briefly detained,” said authorities.

“Upon further investigation it was determined that no crime had been committed,” police said in a statement. “Ms. Watts and her companion were subsequently released.”

So, some random, unidentifiable person calls the cops on them, and suddenly the "cops are racists"? No, the were following through on a report. They asked her to provide ID, as is STANDARD PROCEADURE, and she got defensive. She got upset and rude to THEM. SHE was the one making a scene.

Just because something happens to an African American, it does not automatically mean it happened BECAUSE they are African American.

The media makes it sound that way through their asinine conjecture and people like you gobble it up like an all you can eat buffet.


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