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Posted by The Silence on Sun Sep 14 20:31:45 2014, in response to Re: BLACK AMERICAN ACTRESS HANDCUFFED FOR KISSING WHITE HUSBAND IN LA, posted by streetcarman1 on Sun Sep 14 19:57:15 2014.

"Whites" never did anything to anybody. Certain people did, and some people did not. You can not hold everyone of European ancestry accountable for their ancestor's actions. Because in that circumstance, there are certain people who must fall into the category. Like, say, the President.

The earliest I can trace my family to the US is about 1850, and that's still within modern NYC. Slavery was already illegal in New York, and by not going far outside the city, the possibility of meeting many Native Americans remained low, and people of "latino" background who are not of African descent are classified as white (No one complain about Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz being married on TV in 1950 because they were not classified as a mixed race couple), and aside from the fact my family includes all of them above, I don't owe anyone anything.

I have cousins of various backgrounds. I have cousins who are Syrian, who are Japanese, who are Jewish, I have a cousin who's wife is Puerto Rican. I have a first cousin once removed who's not only a lesbian, but is married to a black woman.

And to me, family is family. I care about each and every one of them. So It's impossible for me to hate as you accuse me. Because family reunions all look like UN meetings.

No, the only one afraid to admit to anything is you.

You are afraid to admit that the vast majority of people no long hate, which gives you nothing to bitch about, so you find reasons to MAKE SHIT UP.

Ms. Watts was not detained because she was black, she was detained because she refused to show ID. So you decided to take a non-issue and blow it out of proportion to try to stick it to "white people".


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