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Re: Summary and Video of November 2015 SBS meeting in Woodhaven

Posted by R30A on Thu Mar 17 14:39:38 2016, in response to Re: Summary and Video of November 2015 SBS meeting in Woodhaven, posted by BrooklynBus on Thu Mar 17 14:30:08 2016.

You are the one who has no understanding of English.
"Behind closed doors" and "in private" are two separate concepts. Two people can have a private conversation behind closed doors with a third person present as a witness. Two people can have a private conversation in a public arena where there are no witnesses.
Mine was the second. You made the inaccurate assumption that it was "behind closed doors."
Whatever term you want to use does not matter. My point remains even if you do not know what "behind closed doors" means. Just change my statement to "In private" and you'll be able to understand it.

"Your statement was misleading. You were asked if lanes were removed under the proposal and you responded to indicate that removing the lanes was a minor part of the plan when in fact the plan hinges on that feature."
I never said it was minor. I never implied it was minor. I was explicitly stating that it was FAR FROM UNIVERSAL. And it is far from universal.

"If you want to see data, look at the Queens College Study because you evidently have never even seen what real data looks like. And I supposed to believe a bluffer like you that data that you won't provide exists somewhere?"
Let me directly quote from that study again:
" It does not, though, predict how trip patterns would change if a new transportation segment were to be built, nor can it provide a ridership estimate for that facility."


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