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Re: Summary and Video of November 2015 SBS meeting in Woodhaven

Posted by BrooklynBus on Wed Feb 24 22:38:28 2016, in response to Re: Summary and Video of November 2015 SBS meeting in Woodhaven, posted by R30A on Wed Feb 24 15:37:19 2016.

"But when it happens at dozens of locations to thousands of cars daily the cumulative effect is significant."
Yes, but not relevant to Woodhaven SBS.

Not dozens of times for left turns. Excuse me. Only 21 times. Not to mention the other delays from slower moving traffic which will happens dozens of times.

You see, the problem here is that you intentionally underestimate bus ridership.

No, you intentionally overestimate bus ridership. You stated without any reference that DOT claims car ridership outnumbers bus ridership by 2 to 1, not 5 to 1 as I claimed. They cite 60,000 cars crossing about 5 different intersections daily and 30,000 daily bus riders. So in order for car passengers and drivers to outnumber bus passengers by 2 to 1, EVERY CAR MUST BE TRAVELING THE ENTIRE LENGTH OF WOODHAVEN AND CROSS BAY BLVD AND NO CAR IS CARRYING ANY PASSENGERS, ONLY THE DRIVER. THAT IS IMPOSSIBLE

At Metropolitan Avenue alone which has about 60,000 daily crossings, at least 5,000 cars (not passengers) are leaving the roadway and another 5,000 are entering, so if that is the only intersection where there are any turns occurring (clearly not the case) you already have 70,000 cars and only 30,000 bus passengers. Assuming only 1.2 passengers per car, there are now 84,000 car drivers and passengers and only 30,000 bus passengers, clearly more than a 2 to 1 ratio.

Now do you think turning cars at all the other intersections won't substantially increase the 84,000 to over 100,000?

What are you going to say now? That I have no proof that every car that leaves Woodhaven doesn't come back at a later intersection to continue his trip on Woodhaven? I don't. But that would be a pretty flimsy argument but probably the best you can do.

And quit taking what I am saying out of context to claim I am being inconsistent. I stated 5 minutes extra for drivers is significant when it occurs thousands of times daily, which it is. I also said that a 10 minute savings for a bus passenger traveling an average of 75 minutes is insignificant. And since there are 5 times the amount of drivers and passengers on the road as there are bus passengers, the cumulative loss by drivers and passengers far exceeds the saving by bus passengers.


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