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Re: Summary and Video of November 2015 SBS meeting in Woodhaven

Posted by R30A on Sun Jan 31 21:11:34 2016, in response to Re: Summary and Video of November 2015 SBS meeting in Woodhaven, posted by BrooklynBus on Sun Jan 31 11:50:05 2016.


"Thus proves you do not know what you are talking about. Many changes other than ADA were made at the rebuilt stations. Stairways were widened at all stations and additional stairways were added (Avenue M for example.) Yet none of the local stations received elevators."
You are correct with regards to Brighton. The rebuild was further back than I recalled. Either way, what I said is true for rebuilds today, and regardless of whether it was under 2008's ADA or 1990's ADA, or any of the in between amendments, you CERTAINLY could not build ANY new stations without full compliance. The amount of effort required for compliance has certainly gone up since, but regardless of that elevators or ramps at every new build station(Which this would be considered in any case). That is not cheap.

"The busway would be able to make all the crosstown bus connections presently available on Woodhaven and no existing connections would be removed because bus service would still remain on Woodhaven."
Yes!(for the most part) Even if it did not, It would be cheap and easy to move bus stops to make such so.
Guess what isn't easy to move? The Rockaway Boulevard A train station! Guess what is also not too easy to move? The Woodhaven J/Z train station!

"The ramp would come down to street level at Liberty for the buses to continue on the surface so I do not understand what would be do incredibly hard to connect if a busway is chosen, but rail would be superior anyway."
And what the hell would you do on the North end? Besides, why are you acting like a connection at Liberty would be cheap?

"Prove it would be incredibly expensive."
How many fully ADA compliant stations? A connection to street level at each end. Each station and connection is likely more expensive than the entirety of Woodhaven SBS

"BRT on Woodhaven is what would be incredibly expensive and would take a very long time to complete. Every DOT project is delayed by at least three years. The seven Belt Parkway bridges were due to be completed in mid-2014 and the reconstruction of the Mill Basin Bridge has not even begun."
So because a simple project might be delayed we should institute a substantially more complicated and less useful project???? How does that follow at all?!?!?

"So if DOT is projecting 2022 for completion of BRT if it is done, that realistically would mean 2025. That's 11 years since they decided on BRT and more than that if you consider the years they were considering SBS. So no way is it short term and cost efficient at almost a quarter billion dollars with countless negatives."
No substantial negatives. 1/4(Actually 1/5) billion instead of over a Billion. First BRT will be in 2017. That is roughly 0.9-2 years from now

"The people requesting a busway are certainly not anti-transit advocates. If they were they would have not suggested other bus improvements they believe are needed that the MTA won't even consider since SBS/BRT is the only thing they are looking at. So quit making untrue statements."
They suggested dysfunctional and inefficient ideas at best, with the explicit intent of undermining an effective and functional alternative with the possibility of actually happening. Yes. That makes them anti transit advocates.


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