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Posted by BrooklynBus on Fri Feb 22 17:31:34 2008, in response to Re: ROBBED BY A COP— AGAIN!, posted by Terrapin Station on Fri Feb 22 13:54:54 2008.

When I once asked a policeman what would happen if I continued taking photos, he did not grab my camera. He simply told me his answer.

You were either lucky or asked the question in a polite way. We do not know Nilet's tone of voice in asking the question. The words only tell part of the story.

When a policeman asks you to do something, you comply (unless it is something outrageous). That's what my father taught me when I was 8 and I've always done that. Police generally don't like it when you ask questions in that type of situation. They are tense enough to begin with, since they never know what type of situation they may be getting into, and when you question them, you only make them more tense. It would have just been best if he would have shut it off when asked.

As someone else suggested, if he is that worried about being hassled, let him bring a witness. Also, now you can buy "spy" microphones you can wear that are so small and disguised as tie clips that could be hooked to tape recorders that wouldn't be noticed so he could continue to have an audio record. I saw one of these cameras in a catalog at very reasonable prices like $30 or less. They used to cost thousands.


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