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Re: MTA Contradictory Communication! (PLEASE READ; NYCLU Needs Your Help!)

Posted by Terrapin Station on Fri Feb 22 11:19:57 2008, in response to Re: MTA Contradictory Communication! (PLEASE READ; NYCLU Needs Your Help!), posted by BMTLines on Fri Feb 22 10:51:18 2008.

The area past the track entrance and on the platforms is restricted by the railroad and by security mandate. In that area, you must request access in advance and be escorted by a designated member of the Metro-North Corporate Media Relations staff. You may call the Corporate Media Relations Department at 212-672-1204 to request permission and obtain permits.

1. Notice that they never explicitly use the word "photograph" in that paragraph.

2. Based on the above, my guess is they are again (just like Bee Line's source, RPanse's official at the GCT tour, and the staff at the ACMU trip) referring to the posted signs near some of the entrances to the platform area that say access is restricted to holders of valid tickets, or something like that. So it is an access restriction, not a photography restriction. And thus, assuming those posted signs are "legal" (though stupid), IMHO, in order to take photos on the platforms other than when detraining or walking to a train you intend to ride, you need to play a defensible "game" of carrying a ticket with you, and if stopped, say you are on your way to a train, or if on a platform with a train that is loading, say you plan to buy your ticket on board, and maybe even be prepared to carry through with it if the issue gets forced. There are other things you could also say, which would hopefully just get you told to move along to your destination.

But I agree, that the second paragraph of that communication should be much more clear about what the rules/regulations are.


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