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Posted by Karl M, Ex New Yorker on Fri Feb 22 08:42:16 2008, in response to ROBBED BY A COP— AGAIN!, posted by Nilet on Wed Feb 20 20:45:31 2008.

I don't know any of you guys but it seems that you're all friends judging from photos of all of you that have appeared on this site from time to time, a group I'd love to be part of if I could so why don't several of you accompany Nilet to the area he was accosted in GCT for a few days at least if and when this shit happens again there will be witnesses and maybe a video of it which then could be released to the media.
Instead of some of you attacking him here you should all stick together after all this isn't only affecting Nilet but affects anyone who is pursuing his or her hobby and is no threat to anyone except the egos of these macho types who delight in making life hard for others. I can just see these guys in there locker room laughing and joking about how they harassed this guy taking photos..being the but of jokes at the expense of a law abiding citizen, I most likely would make the evening news ...some jerk taking my camera from me and ripping the battery off...there would be an immediate response from me probably decking this asshole and...most likely...me being pounced upon by the rest of these goons resulting in an extremely loud screaming by me being hauled away in chains..but rest assured I would have the media on this and my mug would be on the evening news....talk about a lawsuit whoa..this will never happen of course but my point is STICK TOGETHER this is the ONLY WAY you guys will win this, buggering and accusing doesn't accomplish anything...sticking together will. Karl M


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