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Posted by BrooklynBus on Thu Feb 21 10:44:54 2008, in response to Re: ROBBED BY A COP— AGAIN!, posted by Jeff Rosen on Wed Feb 20 22:04:59 2008.

You are correct. Most reasonable people would just say yes and be on their way. But why should he if he was right? He was acting like a reporter by posing the question and not complying. Any question to an police officer often gets them mad. They just want you to always comply. But I guess you would know about that.

I say if he was right, because he may not be. Nilet seems very confident that he is. He or his attorney should investigate all the rules before being so sure. Although photography may be perfectly legal, there may be other conflicting laws the officers could use on their behalf. In particular, I'm wondering why you are not allowed on the platform unless you have a ticket (waiting for a train) or had just gotten off. Sounds like the intention is that after getting off, you are not allowed to linger on the platform for any other purpose. That makes it sound like you may need special permission for photography although the act itself may not specifically be banned. Nilet should first try to investigate these facts himself before he invests money in an attorney when it may not be as good a case as he thinks.


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