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Re: Posting Signs That are Not Enforced

Posted by BrooklynBus on Thu Feb 21 18:03:19 2008, in response to Re: ROBBED BY A COP— AGAIN!, posted by Terrapin Station on Thu Feb 21 14:19:46 2008.

It is wrong to post a sign that is only enforced when someone gives them good reason to. It allows for the potential of abuse and racial profiling.

It reminds me of the sign posted at NYC playgrounds that prohibit you from entering unless you have a child with you. It allows the police the authority to arrest anyone they don't like the looks of because they think he or she might be a predator even if the person has done absolutely nothing wrong. As long as I pay taxes for these parks, I should be allowed to use them. Why shouldn't a senior citizen be allowed to sit in a park and admire the children playing and having fun? Should they only be allowed to look at old people? If someone does something wrong, only then should they be arrested.

At my park, you have to pass one of these signs (and hence break the law) just to get to the handball fields and basketball courts. You may ask why should this sign matter if no one reads it and everyone ignores it anyway? I first found out about this law when I read a story how a police officer went over to a man sitting in the park and told him he had to leave. He asked why and was promptly arrested without explanation. When in court they told him about the law. This doesn't sound like the US. Child predators are a big problem but this is not the way to handle it. If the police believed he was dangerous, they should have told him what they thought he was doing. If he really was a predator, he would have got scared and left anyway (to do it elsewhere) or become abusive and the police would have had reason to arrest him anyway without this law. I don't see what it accomplishes. (Sorry to get off topic.)


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