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Re: My Route Suggestion of the Old Abandoned LIRR Rockaway Beach Branch

Posted by GP38/R42 Chris on Sun Jul 23 20:59:41 2006, in response to Re: My Route Suggestion of the Old Abandoned LIRR Rockaway Beach Branch, posted by RonInBayside on Sun Jul 23 17:36:10 2006.

Even if the ownership of the TWO track enbankment grade separated line's ownership was not intact (and it is, but for arguments sake let's say it's not), the city could take it back by eminent domain anyway. And since any encroachment is NOT because of ownership changing hands from the city, it's even more cut and dry.
And who is saying that either the truck company or the school bus company isn't using it legally? They very may well be through a lease by the city, and that lease of course would spell out what would happen if the city needed the line.
There is no question of the entire ownership of the line, who's ownership is intact, but even if there was, the city could even take adjoinging houses along the ROW by eminent domain if it needed too (if it needed room for electrical substations or whatever.


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