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Re: Duke Stripper Pal: Rape was 'Crock'(?)

Posted by Train Dude on Fri Jun 9 21:38:02 2006, in response to Re: Duke Stripper Pal: Rape was 'Crock'(?), posted by salaamallah@hotmail.com on Fri Jun 9 20:50:17 2006.

Fact: the partner of this girl said that she had sex with 4 people before showing up at the frat house.

Fact: One of those men was her boyfriend with whom there is a DNA match.

Fact: One of those men was the cab driver who drove her to the frathouse. He's signed an affidavit to that effect.

Fact: The alleged victim, after leaving the frat house, told her friend that she wanted to go back to the frathouse because "There's more money to be made there!"

Fact: While being examined the alleged victim accused her partner of participating in the rape and taking her money.

Now salaam, I've given you 15 facts including my previous post. You have given none . All you can do is say that i think all women should be raped. I challange you to be a man. I challange you to provide any information that refutes any fact that I've posted instead of calling names. Prove me wrong, salaam. Show us how bright you really are. PROVE YOU ARE A MAN! DEBATE LIKE A MAN! STOP ACTING LIKE A LITTLE BOY!


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