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Re: 6 train fight leaves woman with bloody face

Posted by Train Man Paul : Metro-North's Best Conductor FOR ALL 3 LINES!!! on Tue Dec 29 10:09:54 2009, in response to Re: 6 train fight leaves woman with bloody face, posted by rtype3995 on Tue Dec 29 09:47:47 2009.

If the crew called for assistance the train would have never left, especially if the conductor investigated and saw the extent of the woman's injuries and the amount of blood that was all in the car, typically that much "biological waste" would have warranted the car being isolated, given I had one time had to isolate a car when an altercation aboard the train resulted in less blood than this. And most times, isolating a car is to be done when the train is in a station.

Had the conductor even left the cab to see whats going on, with the mess on the train the woman's blood left, and the fact that the combatants were still there, that train would not have left at all, it would have been told to await police/medical assistance. In the minimum, the conductor could have asked the involved parties to leave the train. That case, the train could proceed on its way because the combatants have left, and no one else would have been hurt. That woman might not have been hurt on the train had this occurred, but still would have been wise to call Control Center and let them know about what is/might be still going on in the station, being as if the 2 guys continued fighting on the platform, there is a likelihood one if not both could end up on the tracks.


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