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Re: ''Metrocard transfer''-- the MTA.info answer

Posted by Michael549 on Wed Dec 17 03:59:40 2008, in response to Re: ''Metrocard transfer''-- the MTA.info answer, posted by Jeff H. on Wed Dec 17 00:47:03 2008.

From a previous message: "And I can think of at least one time where, because of delays enroute during a late night trip, and long headways on the bus route, I was denied my subway-to-bus free transfer because it had been more than 2:18 since I swiped into the subway!"

This can happen on a trip to Staten Island. There are times when stuff will happen where one has just missed an hourly ferry by a couple of minutes, which means about an hour's wait for the next boat. However the next boat can be cancelled due to a "police action" or some other problem. This now means a two-hour wait in the terminal, plus the 30 minute travel time, and plus what ever time the card was first swiped for the subway to get to the terminal. The bottom line is that without an Unlimited MetroCard, one would have to pay another fare to use a bus (or SIR) on Staten Island. It has happened in the past, it just does not happen often.

For example, one attempts to get the Saturday 7:30pm boat home, but actually gets to the terminal at 7:32pm and the boat is gone. The next leaving boat would be 8:30pm - but that is cancelled due to a police action. Meaning that the only boat one can take is the 9:30pm boat, assuming all goes well would arrive on Staten Island at 10pm. The two-hour window for a transfer is gone, meaning that a bus rider on a Pay-Per-Ride card would have to pay another fare to ride the bus or SIR.




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